Comic book experts from JDU at Poznań Festival of Comic Art
On April 18-21, 2024, the capital of Wielkopolska will host one of the most important comic book events in the country - the Poznań Festival of Comic Art. Among the invited guests, the speakers will be members of our academic community - dr Bartosz Stuła from the Institute of History, who deals with American and Spanish-language comics in his research work, and Magdalena Kowal - a graduate of the Iberian studies faculty. Among numerous lectures, dr Stula will give a talk on the reflection of the politics of mutual relations between the USA and Latin America in the twentieth century in comics, as well as introduce the audience to the history of Spanish comic book heroes - Mortadelo and Philemon. On the other hand, M. Kowal will refer to the fight against machismo in a comic book with superheroes.
Date added: 21 March 2024