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On January 23, 2025, at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, the Rector, prof. Janusz Kapuśniak, hosted a representative of the Prison in Herby, Lieutenant Colonel Sebastian Salamucha, who is the Deputy Director of this Facility. During the meeting, which was also attended by the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Internationalisation, prof. Marcin Sosnowski, the Dean of the Faculty of Science & Technology prof. Renata Barczyńska-Felusiak and the Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs,  dr inż. Karolina Grabowska, the talk was about didactic cooperation and the implementation of joint projects. The Director presented the program of employment of inmates implemented in the Penitentiary Unit in Herby, the rehabilitation programs carried out and the possibilities of professional internships by students of the University in the fields of Forensic Science and Security Systems, Safety Engineering, Dietetics and Psychology.

The most important part of the meeting was the signing of a cooperation agreement between Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa and the Penitentiary Unit in Herby, which will enable the implementation of many joint initiatives.

From the left: prof. Janusz Kapuśniak, prof. Renata Barczyńska-Felusiak, lt. col. Sebastiana Salamucha, dr inż. Karolina Grabowska, prof. Marcin Sosnowski Signing the agreement

Date added: 23 January 2025