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The project entitled "Innovative methods of stochastic financial forecasting, using entropy measures" by the Institute of Valuation and Market Analysis Analitico in partnership with Jan Dugosz University in Czestochowa received funding from Measure 1.2 "Research, development and innovation in enterprises" from the European Funds for Silesia Programme for 2021-2027.

The subject of the project is the development of innovative stochastic financial forecasting tools, using entropy measures, as a process improvement in the activities of the Analitico Institute of Valuation and Market Analysis. Our University will be involved in industrial work aimed at creating stochastic methods, which in the next step will be implemented in the activities of a partner from the economic environment. The team responsible for these activities will be led by prof. Dominik Szczęśniak (Institute of Physics).

According to the plan, the project will be implemented from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2027.

The total budget of the project is PLN 2,674,630.44, including the project co-financing of PLN 2,119,503.07. Amount of funding for Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa: PLN 1,157,728.00.

Date added: 02 June 2025