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On January 15, 2025, in the building of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, in the Senate Hall, the First Round Table on Mediation was held. The initiator and originator of the event was SSR Ewa Drzewiecka. The organiser was also the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Education, Legal Aid and Mediation. It is a research unit established on the initiative of researchers from the Faculty of Law and Economics of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, dealing with interdisciplinary research on the borderline of: law, sociology, philosophy and psychology, or economic analysis of law. In addition, the co-organiser of the First Round Table for Mediation was the "In dubio pro libertate" Foundation.

The event was opened by the Rector of JDU, prof. Janusz Kapuśniak, the Vice-Rector for Research, prof. Bogusław Przywora, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics of JDU, prof. Ewelina Żelasko – Makowska, the Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court, dr Krzysztof Winiarski, prof. Jarosław Czerw.

It took the form of a debate between representatives of science, courts, law enforcement agencies, municipal authorities, mediators, attorneys, legal advisors, non-governmental organisations, business organisations and education at all levels. The subject of the debate included indicating ways of popularising mediation in the local community, in particular the possibility of undertaking joint educational, promotional and organisational activities.

The deliberations and discussions were crowned with the signing of a declaration on support and purposefulness of educational and promotional activities in the field of mediation. The participants expressed their belief that mediation is an important element of social life, contributing to the creation of conditions conducive to understanding, conflict resolution and strengthening cooperation in various areas of public and private life. In addition, they expressed the view that the development of mediation can significantly improve interpersonal relations, as well as the effectiveness of decision-making processes and conflict management. The deliberators pointed to the advisability of undertaking joint activities that will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about mediation and its practical application, and presented draft initiatives planned for 2025.

The event was held under the patronage of the Rector of Jan Dlugosz University, the President of the District Court in Częstochowa, the President of the District Court in Częstochowa, the Mayor of the City of Częstochowa, the District Bar Council in Częstochowa, the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Opole. The supporting patrons were: Asten Group, Lider Nieruchomości, Lider Cars.

The Declaration

Date added: 16 January 2025