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R+D subsidy

Regulations (available on the BIP website):

Internal Ordinance No. R021.1.89.2024 of the Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa of September 27, 2024 on the principles and procedure for the distribution and settlement of funds of the so-called "research and development subsidy", intended for the maintenance of research potential and for scientific research or development work and related tasks at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Internal Ordinance No. R. of the Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa of 6 November 2023 on the principles and procedure for the distribution and settlement of funds of the so-called "research and development subsidy", intended for the maintenance of research potential and for scientific research or development works and related tasks at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Internal Ordinance No. R. of the Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa of 30 June 2022 on the principles and procedure for the distribution and settlement of funds of the so-called "research and development subsidy", intended for maintaining the research potential and for scientific research or development work and related tasks at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Forms (available in the staff portal):

Information of the head of the institute and the head of the department for the purpose of preparing the material and financial plan

Application for funds under the R+D subsidy submitted by the head of the institute/head of the department or the head of the department of JDU

Application for funds under the R+D subsidy submitted by a JDU PhD student

Application for funds under the R+D subsidy submitted by a JDU student 

Application for funds under the R+D subsidy from the JDU Rector's Reserve

Substantive report on the spending of funds under the R+D subsidy or the Rector's Reserve and the implementation of the task-related and financial plan of the project submitted by the head of the institute / head of the department and the doctoral student

Substantive report on the spending of funds under the R+D subsidy or the Rector's Reserve and the implementation of the task-related and financial plan of the project submitted by the student

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Faculty of Humanities 

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Faculty of Social Sciences

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Faculty of Science and Technology 

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Faculty of Law and Economics

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Faculty of Art

List of planned expenditures from R+D subsidy funds categorised by commodity groups - Collegium Medicum 

Date added: 17 January 2025