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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Welcome to JDU mobile application

 I. General provisions

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") define the rules, scope and conditions of use of the mobile application for foreign students and employees of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") and apply to all relations between the Application User and the Application Operator.
The Privacy Policy apply to services provided electronically via the Application by Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, 4/8 Waszyngtona st., 42-217 Czestochowa, (hereinafter referred to as " the Operator" or " the University ").
The User is any natural person which uses the services provided through the Application.
The Application is designed for mobile devices with iOS and Android operating systems.
The Application can be downloaded from the following online stores:

a. App Store (for the iOS operating system);
b. Google Play (for the Android operating system).

Download of the Application and use of the services offered through it is free of charge, provided that in order to download, install, run and use the Application, Internet connection is required, the connection costs of which, in particular those related to data transmission, shall be covered by the User on his  / her own, pursuant to the User's contract with a telecommunications operator or other Internet access service provider.
The Operator is not liable for non-performance or improper performance of services by telecommunications operators or other Internet access service providers with whom the User has concluded contracts for the provision of such services.
All materials made available in the Application, in particular texts, photos, video and audio materials, are the exclusive property of the Operator and are subject to the copyright of the Operator or entities with which the Operator has concluded an appropriate agreement or enabled them the publication of such materials within the Application under separate agreements.
Everyone who uses the Application is obliged to read the Privacy Policy thoroughly and accept their provisions before using the Application.
The name of the Application, programming code, principles of operation, logo, graphic appearance and all other content and materials posted in the Application are subject to legal protection.
The declaration of availability of the Application is included in part VIII of the Privacy Policy.
II. GPS module and references to other websites

The Application offers map functionality that requires access to the GPS module of the mobile device. Failure to grant access to the GPS module by the User may result in the inoperability of modules and functionalities of the Application that require such access.
As part of its functionality and published materials and content, the Application may contain references (hyperlinks) to other content and websites. The Operator is not responsible for any undesirable actions resulting from the use of the relevant links.
III. Registration and technical requirements

Use of the Application does not require a registration of an account in the Application, but it requires acceptance of the content of this Privacy Policy.
The mobile device on which the User runs the downloaded and installed Application must meet the following technical requirements:
for iOS system minimum version (iOS 12.3);
for Android system minimum version (Android 9).
To launch and properly operate the Application, an active connection to the Internet and available space in the memory of the mobile device used are required.
The use of the Application is tantamount to the acceptance of the content of the Privacy Policy by the User.
The Application is used with the help of an IT system that ensures processing and storage, as well as sending and receiving data via telecommunications networks, in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
IV. Rules of use of the Application by the User

The User is obliged to use the Application in accordance with generally applicable law, principles of social coexistence and the Privacy Policy.
The User uses the Application voluntarily and at his / her own risk.
The use of the Application by the User in any other way than permitted use is prohibited without the Operator's express consent.
The User is obliged to notify the Operator of any violation of his / her rights in connection with the use of the Application.
The User has the right to terminate the use of the Application at any time, in particular if the User does not accept the changes to the Privacy Policy and modifications to the Application or its particular functionalities.
As far as the Application is concerned, the following actions are prohibited:
use of the Application in a way that violates or tends to violate applicable law and the provisions of the Privacy Policy;
taking any action to the detriment of the Operator, other Users or third parties, aimed at disrupting normal functioning of the Application;
violation of copyrights or industrial property rights of the Operator, Users or third parties;
copying, reproduction or use of the content posted in the Application, in part or in whole, without obtaining the prior consent of the Operator, except for the permitted use provided for in the relevant provisions of the Privacy Policy.
automatic download of information from the Application, e.g. using dedicated scripts or external software.
V. Rights and obligations of the Operator

The Operator undertakes to supervise the technical functioning of the Application. The Operator is solely responsible for the provision of services.
The Operator does not guarantee uninterrupted access to the Application and does not ensure constant availability of all Application functions and their error-free operation.
The Operator is not liable for any damages or lost profits incurred by the User in connection with:
functioning of the Application, in particular disruption of the availability of all functions of the Application or their incorrect operation;
the violation of the rights of third parties by the User, operation of interfaces and telecommunications links that are not owned or operated by the Operator;
services, applications and websites that are not owned or operated by the Operator.
The Operator reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy and modify the Application.
VI. Complaints

The User is entitled to submit complaints regarding the services provided by the Operator.
The complaint must be delivered to the Operator to the e-mail address welcomecentre@ujd.edu.pl  or by post to the address of the Operator's registered office.
The complaint submitted by the User must include:
1)    e-mail address to which the response shall be sent;

2)    identification of the User which submits the complaint;

3)    indication of the service under complaint;

4)    indication and justification of the allegations that are the basis for the complaint;

5)    and in the case of the complaint submitted in writing to the Operator's registered office address, also the User's correspondence address.

If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, the Operator, before considering the complaint, will ask the User to supplement it in the indicated scope.
Complaint not containing the data referred to in section 3 above will not be considered by the Operator.
Complaints will be considered in the order in which they are received by the Operator.
The Operator will consider the complaint within 14 business days from the date of its receipt.
If the consideration of the complaint requires taking additional steps or obtaining additional information, the Operator may extend the deadline for considering the complaint, about which the Operator will inform the User along with the date of the planned date of consideration of the complaint.
Immediately after the consideration of the complaint, the Operator will respond to the User by sending a message to the electronic mail address (e-mail) provided in accordance with the provisions of section 3 point 1 above or by sending a written letter to the correspondence address provided by the User in accordance with section 3 point 5 above.
VII. Personal data protection

The Operator's goal is to provide the User with access to the Application and its functionalities with the least possible interference in the User's privacy.
The Operator does not process Users' personal data. An exception is the User's use of the Application's messenger, which requires the User to provide personal data (e-mail address, possibly other personal data provided voluntarily by the User during communication) in order to establish communication with the Operator. Information regarding the processing of this data by the Operator will be presented to the User when he / she starts using the messenger. The Operator provides appropriate technical and organizational measures to appropriately secure this data.
Information regarding the processing of personal data is included in Attachment 1 to the Privacy Policy.
VIII Accessibility declaration

1.       Accessibility Statement: Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa undertakes to ensure the availability of the Application in accordance with the Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities of April 4, 2019 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 848) (hereinafter "Accessibility Act").

Date of making the Application available: 01.01.2024  
Date of the last significant update: 29.12.2023
4.       Application: This accessibility statement applies to this Application.

5.       Status in terms of availability: This Application partially complies with the law referred to in section 1 above, due to the incompatibilities listed below:

in terms of functionality and possibility of navigation - it is not possible to skip the blocks;
in terms of functionality and data entry method - no possibility to cancel the click;
in terms of understandability and assistance with entering information - no suggestions for correcting errors.
6.       Unavailable content: Using the Application (pursuant to the provisions of part III section 2 of the Privacy Policy) requires the use of a mobile device.

7.       Date of the statement: The statement was drawn up on 11.03.2021. The declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the University as a public entity.

8.       Keyboard shortcuts: The Application can be operated on mobile devices and has no implemented keyboard shortcuts.

9.       Feedback and contact information: In the event of problems with the availability of the Application and in order to provide any comments, please contact the Disability Support Office, bon@ujd.edu.pl., tel.: 34 3784304. In the same way one can submit requests for making available the unavailable information and complain about non-availability.

10.   Information on the procedure: With regard to digital accessibility:

1)      Everyone has the right to apply to a public entity with a request to ensure digital accessibility of the indicated website, mobile application or element of the website or mobile application, including the elements referred to in Art. 3 sec. 2 of the Act on Accessibility, and elements that are digitally unavailable pursuant to Art. 8 sec. 1 of the Act on Accessibility, or to make it available through an alternative method of access, referred to in Art. 7 of the Act on Accessibility;

2)      The request should include: (1) contact details of the person submitting the request, (2) an indication of the website, mobile application or website element, or the public entity's mobile application which is to be made available digitally, (3) an indication of how to contact the person making the request, (4) indication of an alternative method of access, if applicable;

3)      Providing digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or website element, or a mobile application of a public entity, should take place without undue delay, but not later than within 7 days after the date of submitting the request;

4)      If ensuring the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or website element or mobile application of a public entity (University) cannot take place within the time limit referred to in point 3 above, the University will immediately notify the person submitting the request about the reasons of the delay and the date within which it will provide digital accessibility of the indicated website, mobile application or website element, or mobile application, whereas such date shall not be longer than two months after the date of making the request;

5)      The University can refuse to ensure the digital accessibility of the website or mobile application element if this would entail the risk of compromising the integrity or credibility of the information provided;

6)      If the University is not able to ensure the digital accessibility of an element of the website or mobile application as requested, it will immediately notify the person submitting the request about the reasons for the inability to ensure digital accessibility of the indicated element and indicate an alternative way of accessing this element;

7)      In the event of a refusal to ensure digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or an indicated element of the website, or a mobile application indicated in the request, or in the event of a refusal to use an alternative method of access by the person making the request, such a person shall be entitled to file a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility of a website, element of a mobile application or website, or mobile application;

8)      If one has exhausted all options, one can also send his / her complaint to the Commissioner of Human Rights (link: https://www.rpo.gov.pl/).

Architectural availability: Disability Support Office (BON)

Accessibility of entrance to the building

Main entrance – stairs with handrails, for able-bodied people and people with slight mobility impairments.

The entrance to the building for disabled people is located on the side of the building, 30 metres to the left of the main entrance.

There is a ramp made of cobblestones with handrails. The door is made of aluminum, with a handle for opening. It is possible to move around in a wheelchair.

Accessibility of corridors, stairs and elevators

The building has a platform for disabled people from the ground floor to the first floor in segment B - direction to the left from the main entrance or from the driveway and the elevator in segment C - direction to the right from the main entrance, fully adapted for people with physical, hearing and visual impairments. The elevator has tactile information in Braille, controls inside the cabin and an external call button located at the hand level of a wheelchair user. The elevator doors close and open automatically and have a sensor that stops closing before physical contact with an object or a person. The elevator is equipped with sound signals informing about the position of the cabin. The elevator is from the ground floor to the 7th floor. It is possible to access most rooms on individual floors, with the exception of some restrictions on floors II, III and IV - inaccessibility applies to passages from segment C to D.

Support of an assistant for people with disabilities (AON)

is possible after submitting an application to the Disability Support Office (BON). 

Contact with BON: 4/8 Waszyngtona st., room 29, tel. 34 3784304, e-mail: bon@ujd.edu.pl

The Disability Support Office (BON) is located in the main building of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (JDU), 4/8 Waszyngtona st., room 29 on the ground floor (to the right behind the reception desk located at the main entrance of JDU). 

There is a quiet room in the office, suitable for people with small children.

Types of adaptations inside the building

The facility has toilets for disabled people.

An induction loop was installed in the hall on the first floor to amplify the voice signal.

The building houses the Disability Support Office (BON), with a quiet room - on the ground floor, room 29, to the right of the main entrance, behind the reception desk.

Parking space designated for disabled people

There is the parking space for disabled people marked horizontally in blue next to the building, and the entrance to the parking lot is from Waszyngtona street.

Admission with an assistance dog

It is possible to enter the building with an assistance dog or a guide dog.

A sign language interpreter

There is no sign language interpreter in the building or direct access to the online translator service. The need for support from a sign language interpreter should be reported at least three days before the planned visit. 

A tablet with a sign language interpreter program installed is available in the Disability Support Office. The need for equipment must be reported well in advance (at least 3 days before the date of use).

Contact with the Disability Support Office (BON): 4/8 Waszyngtona st., room 29, tel. 34 3784304,            e-mail: bon@ujd.edu.pl


The building is equipped with a Fire Alarm System - continuous sound of an alarm siren and light signals; emergency lighting is used on escape routes; escape routes are clear of obstacles, allowing a person with limited mobility and perception to evacuate safely. The evacuation is carried out by the Facility Administrator and his / her designated assistants (wearing dark yellow vests). If it is not possible to move independently, a disabled person should immediately contact an assistant for people with disabilities (AON) by phone no. 34 3784304, giving their location, and then wait for the rescue team to evacuate. Passenger elevators must not be used during a fire.

Availability of a sign language interpreter: the University does not ensure the availability of a sign language interpreter via electronic means of communication.

IX. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

The Operator is entitled to unilaterally amend the provisions of the Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, at any time, without the need to justify the introduced changes.
The delivery of the new Privacy Policy will take place by publishing them in the Application, along with providing information about the possibility and method of rejecting the amendments to the Privacy Policy by the User within 14 days from the date of its publication.
If the User does not reject the amendments to the Privacy Policy, it shall be deemed that the amendments to the Privacy Policy have been accepted by him / her. These amendments are binding for the User as of the date of publication of the amended Privacy Policy.
The User's rejection of amendments to the Privacy Policy may take place by deleting the Application from the User's mobile device.
X. Final provisions

The User may terminate the Agreement for the provision of Services at any time without giving any reason by deleting the Application from the User's mobile device.
The Privacy Policy and each of their subsequent versions enter into force on the day they are made available in the Application. 
Any questions, opinions, and requests regarding the functioning of the Application should be sent by the User to the following e-mail address: welcomecentre@ujd.edu.pl
In the event any provision of the Privacy Policy or their part shall be considered invalid or impracticable, the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions of the Privacy Policy shall not be effected.
These Privacy Policy are available in English and Ukrainian within the Application. In the event of any discrepancy between the language versions, the Polish language version shall prevail.
Unless the mandatory provisions of law provide otherwise, the applicable law for the provision of Services by the Operator under the conditions specified in the Privacy Policy is the Polish law. In matters not provided for herein, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code and the Act on Provision of Services by Electronic Means.
Any disputes arising from these Privacy Policy shall be settled amicably. When it is not possible to reach an agreement between the Operator and the User by way of an amicable settlement of the dispute, the matter will be settled by the common court competent for the Operator's seat, unless otherwise required by law.
The User of the Application should regularly visit the tab which includes Privacy Policy in order to read the current version of them, since continuous use of the Application will be considered to constitute direct acceptance of any changes to the Privacy Policy.

Attachment no. 1 to the Privacy Policy for Welcome to JDU mobile application

I acknowledge that:

In the case of personal data provided by me voluntarily in order to use the Messenger of the mobile application:

1.    the administrator of my personal data is Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, 4/8 Waszyngtona st., 42-217 Czestochowa;

2.    contact details of the data protection officer at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa:              e-mail: iod@ujd.edu.pl, tel. 34 37-84-133;

3.    my personal data will be processed on the basis of my consent, expressed by providing data voluntarily, for contact purposes via messenger in the mobile application for foreign students and employees of  Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa;

4.    my personal data will be stored for a period of 6 months from the date of the last communication, after this period it will be automatically deleted;

5.    my personal data may be made available to other recipients for control and audit purposes, as well as for legal assistance and defense of claims, and to entities with which the personal data administrator has concluded an agreement to entrust data processing;

6.    my personal data will not be transferred to a third country/international organization;

7.    I have the right to access my data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;

8.    I have the right to file a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if I consider that the processing of personal data concerning me violates the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016;

9.    providing data is a condition for using the messenger service in the application;

10.my data will not be processed in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling.


Date added: 02 February 2024