Project objective
The objective of the programme for the development of scientific research, transfer of innovation, internationalisation and education at Jan Dlugosz University
The main objective of the "Programme for the Development of Scientific Research, Transfer of Innovation, Internationalisation and Education at Jan Dlugosz University" implemented at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa is to strengthen the intensity of scientific development and the quality of education in the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy at JDU until 2027. The above-mentioned main objective of the project will be achieved through the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the following specific objectives:
- increasing the number of staff employed in groups of research and research and teaching staff conducting scientific research in the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy;
- increasing the number of citations of scientific publications of employees conducting scientific research in the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy;
- increasing the participation of academics conducting scientific research in the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy in international scientific conferences;
- increasing the number of employed foreign professors representing the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy;
- increasing the level of assignment of fields of study to the disciplines of chemical sciences and environmental engineering, mining and energy;
- creating an interdisciplinary scientific journal focused in particular on publications on research for industries important for the development of the economy and increasing its competitiveness.
Co-financed by the Ministry of Science under the "Regional Excellence Initiative" Programme
Date added: 12 November 2024