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Letter from Minister Dariusz Wieczorek on occasion of...

On the occasion of the Polish Science Day, the Minister of Science and Higher...

Invitation to IV Congress of Young Science

We invite you to take part in the 4th Young Science Congress, which will be...

Prof. Maciej Woźniczka member of Committee on Philosophical...

Prof. Maciej Woźniczka has been appointed to the Committee on Philosophical...

"Winter" chance for index book - admissions process starts...

Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa announces the recruitment process....

Dean of Faculty of Law from Kharkiv University visits JDU

On February 8-12, 2024, the Faculty of Law and Economics hosted Prof. Vitaliy...

Opening event of Anna Tarnowska’s exhibition “Antimatter”

We invite you to the opening of Anna Tarnowska's exhibition "ANTIMATTER" ...

Patronage agreement between JDU & Fabiani 1 Secondary...

On February 13, 2024, a ceremonial signing of the Patronage Agreement took...

Promoting University’s technology at meeting of...

On Monday (5 February), the Vice-Rector for University Development, dr hab....