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Recruitment for staff mobility within Erasmus+ programme -...

The Department of Research & International Relations announces the recruitment...

Students of Faculty of Arts of Ostrava University invite to...

The Centre for the Promotion of Culture GaudeMater in Częstochowa and the...

Plans for teaching hospital by JDU and City Hall 

The establishment of the University Clinical Hospital in cooperation with the...

JDU granted status of member in Conference of Rectors of...

Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa has been admitted to the honourable group...

Postgraduate studies in management of educational...

The course in management of an educational institution starts in the summer...

Closing event of "Exercises / Repetitions" exhibition 

Gallery 113 of the Faculty of Art of JDU, together with the curator of the...

Dean of JDU Collegium Medicum, prof. Sławomir Letkiewicz...

The Senate of Almaty Humanitarian Economic University (Kazakhstan) decided to...

Cultural & linguistic musical meeting

For the last time this semester, the members of the Erasmus Students Club met...