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Filmmaker Krzysztof Kasprzak, who cooperates with Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, has been honoured with the Karol Miarka Award in 2025. The documentary filmmaker has many valuable and unique films on the history of Czestochowa and the region. We cannot remain silent about the film devoted to the 50th anniversary of our University: "50 years of the University – Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa". Less than two months ago there was a premiere of a new documentary, which is entitled 'Czestochowa years 1220-1793'. Let us remind you that the role of experts was played by historians associated with Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa: prof. Dariusz Złotkowski, prof. Marceli Antoniewicz and prof. Jerzy Mizgalski. More in the Radio Jura coverage.

Date added: 31 January 2025