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Dr Joanna Górna in interview on gender equality

Women's Day is a good opportunity to talk about the Gender Equality Plan. Such...

Register your activity in 8th Silesian Science Festival Katowice

Do you want to share your scientific or artistic achievements with a wide...

Recruitment for staff mobility within Erasmus+ - KA131-2022 project

The Department for Research & International Relations informs about the...

First workshop for youth from Ukraine as part of University Social...

At the Faculty of Social Sciences, the first classes for Ukrainian youth from...

Test access to Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics database

From March 5 to May 7, 2024, the JDU Library invites you to test the SIAM...

Orientation Day for Erasmus students at JDU

We welcome Erasmus students to our University! In the first week of March, more...

JDU Erasmus+ coordinators visit University of Rijeka

From February 26 to March 1 the university coordinators of the Erasmus...

Exchange programmes in the USA - meet US Consul on March 12 

On March 12 (Tuesday), the U.S. Consul in Krakow will visit our University with...