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New exhibition in university library

Until February 29, 2024, we can visit the exhibition entitled "Kiedyś byliśmy...

New course of postgraduate study - "pedagogical...

The programme of the postgraduate study in "Pedagogical Preparation" starts in...

Prof. Jerzy Swoboda's latest album

Ars Sonora has released a new CD with world premieres of works by the...

Recruitment for staff mobility within Erasmus+ programme - KA171-2022...

The Department of Research & International Relations announces the...

Students of Faculty of Arts of Ostrava University invite to digital...

The Centre for the Promotion of Culture GaudeMater in Częstochowa and the...

Plans for teaching hospital by JDU and City Hall 

The establishment of the University Clinical Hospital in cooperation with the...

JDU granted status of member in Conference of Rectors of Polish...

Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa has been admitted to the honourable group...

Postgraduate studies in management of educational institution

The course in management of an educational institution starts in the summer...